Assessment Centre

What is an Assessment Centre?

An Assessment Centre (AC) is a structured evaluation process designed to assess individuals for specific roles or positions by trained assessors using a variety of activities, exercises, and tests to evaluate competencies, skills, and behaviours essential for job performance.

Key Purposes of an Assessment Centre

  • Recruitment and Selection: Identifying the most suitable candidates for roles.
  • Talent Development: Assessing current employees for promotions or training programs.
  • Organizational Development: Uncovering workforce strengths and identifying areas for improvement.


  • Provides a holistic view of an individual’s capabilities.
  • Reduces bias with diverse evaluation methods and inter-rater reliability checks
  • Offers participants insights into roles and organizational expectations.


  • Gain an external and objective view of talent.
  • Identify high-potential employees for growth.
  • Plan for succession within the organization.
  • Make informed decisions on promotions.
  • Obtain data for structured development and talent selection.

Milestones in the Assessment Centre Process

Milestone 1

Pre-Work of AC

Key Elements

  • Define expectations with the leadership / HR team.
  • Understand competency frameworks and job descriptions
  • Conduct conversations with stakeholders (BU Heads, Managers).


  • Final competency and tool matrix /grid for development of customised AC tools
  • Agreed number of assessors and participants/ batches for the AC
  • Ideal ratio of 1:2 assessor to participant (can be customised as per requirement)
  • Individual and Group Report templates

Milestone 2

Designing the AC Tools

Key Elements

  • Certified assessors incorporate real-world challenges to create tools.


  • Customized and scalable AC tools tailored for various levels for various levels entry-level, mid-management, senior leadership.
  • Schedule for AC depending on number of participants and tools

Sample Tools Used

  1. Business Presentations
  2. Structured Behavioural Interviews
  3. Group Exercises
  4. Case Studies
  5. Situational Judgment Tests
  6. Live Roleplays
  7. Inbaskets

Milestone 3

Conducting the Assessment Centre

Key Elements

  • Orient participants to the AC process to reduce stress and ensure the process is perceived as fair and developmental
  • Deploy AC as per the schedule
  • Assessors document detailed behaviour evidences for each participant using globally acclaimed ORSCE method

Milestone 4

Management Presentation and Report Preparation


  • Calibrated evidences and AC output consolidated into group report.
  • Results presented to management for validation and ensuring alignment.

Milestone 5

Feedback and Individual Development Plans (IDPs)


  1. Individual reports shared with HR.
  2. Conduct one-on-one feedback sessions (30–45 minutes).
  3. Co Create Individual Development Plans during feedback, to ensure maximum ownership for development post-AC.

Why Use Leadership Assessment Tools?

Our comprehensive leadership assessment tools and methodologies ensure precise evaluation and development of critical competencies. These tools include assessments, leadership competency evaluations, and situational judgment tests tailored to organizational needs.


1 to 4 Days*

*Based on the number of participants and the tools used.

Have Questions? Email us.