Learn how to influence and inspire teammates, coworkers, supervisors, and clients

Distinguish different sources of Power and how to use them effectively .

Demonstrate skills required for influencing various stakeholders in the organization.
No one will like to obey your commands, especially if they do not like the way those are given or if they do not feel that the commands are aligned to their intentions. To make matters worse, situation gets even more difficult when they are not reporting to you.
As a leader, you should understand the difference between commanding and inspiring. Great leaders have always showcased strong influencing abilities. So, how can you influence your teammates or your coworkers without authority? One of the quintessential ways to influence others without authority is to inspire, persuade and encourage others and align them all to a common goal. Your expertise, relationships, and understanding can be leveraged to inspire and influence others.
Our intervention works with your leaders to enhance their influencing skills with their. Through practical exercises and group discussions, participants understand the basic differences between influencing, persuasion, or authoritative speech. This course outlines the importance of influencing in the workplace and understanding the psychological principles of influencing. At the end of the workshop, participants walk away feeling more confident about their influencing and inspiring capabilities, identifying the thin line of difference between sounding authoritative and influential.
Understanding the minor differences between influencing and commanding.
Understanding the importance of influencing without authority.
Create alignment and excitement amongst the teammates various stakeholders towards a common company organizational goal by inspiring.
At the end of the program, participants will be able to:
Learn how to influence and inspire teammates, coworkers, supervisors, and clients
Distinguish different sources of Power and how to use them effectively .
Demonstrate skills required for influencing various stakeholders in the organization.
Learn how to influence and inspire teammates, coworkers, supervisors, and clients
Distinguish different sources of Power and how to use them effectively .
Demonstrate skills required for influencing various stakeholders in the organization.
Help the organization overcome internal barriers to getting things done.
To sell an idea or persuade stakeholders to meet organizational objectives.
Increasing cooperation and cross-functionality.
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