Self Awareness

Self-awareness is how an individual consciously knows and understands their own character, feelings, motives, thoughts, actions and desires. Lack of it leads to dissonance resulting in negative impact on execution of plans and results. Leaders require deeper insights into their own self first, to be able to actively listen to team members so as to empathize and direct them.

Pragati Leadership’s intervention programs encourage leaders to become self-aware, acknowledge emotions as a part vital part of decision making and communication. This awareness is the linchpin of every progressive individual and organization as well.

Stressful emotions restrain and restrict performance. If you don’t pause to accept your emotions and that of your team, the barriers to communication will lead to poor performance. This realization is at the core of the self-awareness programs. Performance index will step up when your leaders and the teams will start to acknowledge, and accept their emotional state.

Leaders start finding answers to critical questions like, “What could be the internal challenges of my teammates?” “What is pulling them down?”  These answers assist in creating a growth conducive environment.

Emotional Intelligence

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