These are complex times. Uncertainties abound and change has become a veritable norm. We’re swamp...
The Pragati FastTrack Coaching Program is a 60-hr, ICF-Approved Coach Training program ideal for ...
Every leader would like to believe that he or she is exercising power that has been rightfully ea...
There is divinity in every enterprise, Big and Small. I will go so far as saying there is GOD in ...
Some questions provoke the innocent mind, since the beginning of time. A child may ask some quest...
“Mata bhumih, putro aham, prithivyaha”. Mother Earth!!! We address her…”Prithvi” – the lone...
Aum Jalbimbaye Vvidmahe Nila Purushaye Dhimahi Tanno Varunah Prachodayat The Translation: Om, let...
Namaste Vayuh, tvam eva pratyaksham Brahmasi. ‘O, Vayu, you are the directly perceivable Brahman....
Agni is the light that pulls us out of the abyss of ignorance, from darkness into light. It illum...
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