One of the most important development areas of senior leaders in business is the transition into ...
These are complex times. Uncertainties abound and change has become a veritable norm. We’re swamp...
Every leader would like to believe that he or she is exercising power that has been rightfully ea...
I am sometimes accused by colleagues and family of being a perfectionist. Specifically, I am accu...
As a 24 year old brand manager for a reputed FMCG organization, I encountered many firsts as far ...
A series of recent personal experiences and musings have taught me the underlying strength and ef...
I remember attending my daughter’s annual drama performance, which was very unique in the sense a...
Manager, Team Lead, VP, CXO – whatever the role of the captain in question, there’s only one thin...
‘I have a dream’ – such a simple line, yet it moved millions to act like never before. When Marti...
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